Download Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Movie Hindi Dubbed Mp4
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Download Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Movie Hindi Dubbed MP4
If you are looking for a biopic of one of the most influential figures in Indian history, you might want to download Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar movie hindi dubbed mp4. This movie, released in 2000, tells the story of B. R. Ambedkar, known mainly for his contributions in the emancipation of the downtrodden and oppressed classes in India and shaping the Constitution of India, as the chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constituent Assembly.
The movie is directed by Jabbar Patel and stars Mammootty as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Sonali Kulkarni as his wife Ramabai Ambedkar, Mohan Gokhale as Mahatma Gandhi, Mrinal Kulkarni as Savita Ambedkar, and Govind Namdeo as Ramji Maloji Sakpal. The movie has a runtime of 3 hours and 17 minutes and has an IMDb rating of 8.9/10.
The movie is available in English and Hindi languages, and you can download Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar movie hindi dubbed mp4 from various online sources. However, before you do that, you should be aware of the legal and ethical issues involved in downloading copyrighted content without permission. You should also be careful about the quality and safety of the files you download, as some of them might contain viruses or malware.
Therefore, we recommend that you watch Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar movie hindi dubbed mp4 legally and safely from authorized platforms such as YouTube or IMDb. You can also buy or rent the movie from online stores such as Amazon or iTunes. By doing so, you will not only enjoy the movie in high quality and without any interruptions, but also support the filmmakers and actors who worked hard to bring this inspiring story to life.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar movie hindi dubbed mp4 is a must-watch for anyone who wants to learn more about the life and legacy of this great leader and visionary. You will be amazed by his courage, intelligence, and dedication to social justice and equality. You will also be inspired by his vision of a free and democratic India that respects the rights and dignity of all its citizens.
If you want to know more about Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his achievements, you can also read some of his books and speeches. Some of his famous works include Annihilation of Caste, The Buddha and His Dhamma, Who Were the Shudras?, and The Untouchables. You can also watch some documentaries and interviews about him on YouTube or other platforms.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is not only a national hero, but also a global icon of human rights and social justice. He is widely regarded as the chief architect of the Indian Constitution, which is one of the most progressive and democratic constitutions in the world. He is also revered as a champion of the oppressed and marginalized communities, especially the Dalits or the untouchables, who faced centuries of discrimination and violence in India.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was also a scholar, lawyer, economist, politician, and social reformer. He had a brilliant academic career, earning degrees from prestigious universities such as Columbia University and London School of Economics. He also held various positions in the government and the legislature, such as the Minister of Law and Justice, the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly, and the Member of Parliament. He also founded several political parties and organizations to fight for the rights and welfare of the oppressed classes.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was also a follower of Buddhism, which he embraced in 1956 along with millions of his followers. He believed that Buddhism was a rational and egalitarian religion that could liberate people from ignorance and suffering. He also wrote extensively on Buddhism and its relevance to modern society.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar passed away on December 6, 1956, at the age of 65. His death was mourned by millions of people across India and the world. His legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of his followers and admirers. He is honored with various awards and honors, such as the Bharat Ratna (the highest civilian award in India), the Bodhisattva Award (the highest honor in Buddhism), and the International Human Rights Award (the highest honor in human rights). He is also celebrated with various statues, monuments, museums, universities, and public holidays dedicated to him. aa16f39245